
Syngenta launches second trading line on SIX Swiss Exchange for the repurchase of registered shares

Basel, Switzerland, July 24, 2013

On April 24, 2012 the Annual General Meeting of Syngenta AG authorized the Syngenta Board of Directors to repurchase registered shares under a new share repurchase program up to a maximum value of 10% of the company's share capital, for the purpose of capital reduction.

On the basis of this authorization, Syngenta is establishing a second trading line on the SIX Swiss Exchange, through which a maximum of 9,312,614 registered shares, each with a face value of CHF 0.10, can be repurchased. Syngenta has no plans at present to make full use of the maximum repurchase potential but wishes to secure flexibility for tactical share repurchase transactions.

The share repurchase can take place through the second trading line on the SIX Swiss Exchange between July 25, 2013 and July 22, 2016.

Syngenta is one of the world's leading companies with more than 27,000 employees in over 90 countries dedicated to our purpose: Bringing plant potential to life. Through world-class science, global reach and commitment to our customers we help to increase crop productivity, protect the environment and improve health and quality of life. For more information about us please go to www.syngenta.com.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains forward-looking statements which use terms such as "expect", "will", "could", "potential", "planned", "envisages", "estimated value", "target" etc. Such statements contain risks and imponderables which could result in a significant deviation of the actual results from the statements expressed herein. We refer you to the publicly available filings of Syngenta submitted to the American SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) in relation to these and other risks and imponderables. Syngenta does not undertake to update the forward-looking statements in light of actual results, changed assumptions or other factors. This document represents neither an offer nor an invitation, or even a part of such an offer or such an invitation, to purchase or underwrite common shares issued by Syngenta Inc. or Syngenta ADS. Nor does it represent a request to take up such a purchase offer or public offering and it in no way forms a basis or reliable statement in connection with a contract to this effect.